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Posts posted by Mr.Shades

  1. On 7/25/2019 at 7:28 AM, SISA said:

    How do you know what I can add? Where did you get such confidence? Or is it your fantasy taken for reality? Try to make at least something from CS: NZ, and then tell us how you did it.


    Be sure to show us how you win with “pay-to-win items” without using Survivor.


    That is why the saw passed and the discharge "imbalanced" in a separate game class, where it belongs.

    syringe extra item available to a single player. There are no classes there.

     Go to the topic: https://lan-game.com/index.php?/topic/28-что-нового/ and check for updates. And please do not tell me what I can do and what not.

    Another nonsense about the cards ... I'm too lazy to write a constructive answer.

    All right. You are left alone, so the whole team died. You win or in the team or do not win at all. If you want to play "single player", then you are clearly wrong address.

    And what should we do? Will we give birth to players? Or maybe you give them birth? Or should we buy them somewhere to entertain you? Yesterday was in the store and did not notice on the shelves of players for Condition Zero. Just do not need to tell how you will play 3 on 3. And the idiot is clear that everyone will disperse, and you will be in the forefront.

    Basically, this is a very complex server and adding any, even a small element, leads to big problems. With the same success, I can offer you to get 4 jobs, not to sleep and not to eat. Try it, it's very simple you can. Your text looks like this when I read it.

    1) Just making a assumption based on the fact that this IS called a CSZ server with its elements and models etc. Not that i know you can %100 add anything you want. 

    2) Win? You don't need to ''win'' even normal players nowadays walk like gods when pulled that thing out, pushing you to the edge of the map if you screw up. Don't say '' duh if you don't know how to play dont complain'' Yeah the big ''perspective'' problem (basically you can melee me but i can't melee you) have always been a thing for me, aside that if you literally see nothing is wrong with the Dagger then i don't know what else to say.

    3) It wasn't imbalanced in my opinion, never was. Two limit, a guy has to pay 40K (which unless you are a vip thats half of your ALL money)  and when there's already more than enough things to take down the Chainsaw guy there's nothing to talk here. Only time i would say it's op, was when Hero died and could drop his weapon to be picked up and used, then you go chainsaw, yeah that was OP but that was removed aswell. To be honest those times were extremely funny and entertaining for me.

    4) I like things like that, but would also like to use them.

    5) You're the owner, i'm not telling you what to/not do, these are my opinions and suggestions because there's more than just me who sees things differently like this. 

    6) Up to you.

    7) That is not how that works. You say you win or not win, but then you want us to be completely perfect, make zero mistakes and not get hit EVEN A SINGLE TIME. Isn't that giving the other team a huge advantage, despite the fact that you are ALREADY 1vs31?

    8) No? It's life and people have things to do, when they decide to join in and play that's fine. Server's empty? Too bad, can't do anything about it but it's life. Adding mindless bots that just come straight at you without anything and literally asking to be shot in the head isn't ''entertaining'' in any kind of way either.

    9) Look i understand that you can be busy but that is a very wrong way to put it. ''without adding a small element leading to a  bigger problem'' that is literally saying we are afraid to change anything in the server except for nerfing the living shit out of Human team. There's nothing wrong with taking risks and failing it, hence you gain experience and learn what you will do next time. No one is asking you to do this alone, either, you can get help or ask your people. But aside this, again, taking risks isn't something someone should afraid of.


  2. 1 hour ago, heisenberg said:

    2019 Year , Now all games pay to win , you have 2 choices. 1) you play and all of this eat as there is 2) don't you play at all

    no need to compare 2 games, the engine is one but the possibilities for creating a server are different

    why do you think the game should be one way ? You do not have enough zombie bots?

    well well well , sisa removes the ability to buy ammo for people . and then there's no buying HP and jump granede , okay?

    so you think it's okay to sit in a hole in the world and then buy a surv and kill everyone ?

    I agree, because the game is for the Tesla is just AFK using abilities

    and last  . you say how nice it would be to add something new , but you yourself tried to do it? not just download from Internet garbage . write your own code from scratch at the same time that he worked correctly . that's when you to do it,  then tell how good it would be to do . will tell you from my own experience. when you write the code you will understand that all you wrote is that fucking dog shit. to make the same hum class and at the same time for them  balance, it work for half a year or even a year


    I was gonna take this seriously and answer one by one, then i read ''2019 Year, all games pay to win, play or dont play''

    Yeah, i won't be trying to clarify or explain any kind of point to you.

  3. There's so much you can add from the CS:NZ. I can't understand why SISA keeps adding theese pay-to-win items, albeit the new dagger for example. A survivor has one? Good luck dueling that with anything you have.

    There are literally tons of weapons you can add. You just chose not to. Suddenly you remove chainsaw as a buyable (which makes zero sense as it was 40k and only two people could buy it), add ''Classes'' only a few people can get (i've seen people with syringes)

    Don't mind if i'm asking- what is your purpose? Why is it that the server is becoming more and more pay to get content type and not adding anything new, nor balancing the issues? Adding an RPG and those two chainsaw models isn't ''innovative'' i do appreciate the effort but it's nothing compared to what you can do. Add more weapons, maybe more zombie classes, more maps, and honestly the very existence of Tesla class is in itself retarded. 40 armor damage unblockable is TOTALLY fine when you can't even buy armor next round IF you manage to survive the mess. So, overall, here's what i think should be done;

    - Jump grenade nerf. There should be a limit of 4 and it shouldn't damage/knockback (okay it might damage  but knockback should be removed) considering there's more than enough classes/abilities that already make the fortified positions hard.

    - Concussion grenade timer nerf. I don't even know why SISA chose to make that you're literally epileptic for the entire duration but not only that it...doesn't have a cooldown? Why? You might say ''oh thats 15 ammo thats not cheap!!1111'' But we all know very well that it gets spammed. Just no, that shouldn't exist. 

    - Add new weapons to the game, all kinds of it. There's a ton you can add. Also, there's a ton of maps you can add aswell.

    - One of the  most INFURIATING aspects of the server is one-hit kill once the last human is alive. Why? WHY is this a thing? You have bought survivor on a normal round? Bye. You're hero, got 800 hp and 100 armor? Bye. You have chainsaw, 1800 hp, in last 30 seconds ready to make it? Bye. Cause this is TOTALLY balanced.

    - Bots have no place in this server, i'm a old player and it didn't needed it before, nor it does now. I miss the old days when Hero dies and drops his SVDEx, then you grab it and buy a chainsaw. THOSE were the golden days.

    -Nerf Tesla. Just because it's ''duh they payed us'' doesn't mean it shouldnt be unstoppable. I'm literally emptying clips to the guy's fucking head when he's infront of me, guess what he can still use his ability. Oh, remind me, why does it have knockback again?

    - Human classes (like healer, ammo carrier etc.) should really considered to add into the server.

    - Last thing i would like to talk about is the HP spam. Why? You might say '' but its costs a ton! '' and yeah you are right. Still, people spams it more than often and some players, or not players ''most of the times'' we just see a Fast zombie turning her back, using jumpgreandes and hp spam to get into our positions.

    I know you're probably thinking, if you've read this far and say ''oh this guy literally wants humans to be the god of the server'' ...No? Why do we leave broken things untouched, and barely add any content to the game hoping anything would happen? 

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